Dear Rush Limbaugh,
Hope this letter finds you in good health and wonderful spirits. I see you have been frothing in your mouth talking about the complete blasphemy that “slum dog” Indian worker’s have the temerity to work hard and be better than at you at something. I thought it might be appropriate time for me to apologize on behalf of the billion and counting Indians. Further, I thought this would be an appropriate moment to gently remind you about some facts:
a) We have come and taken over your jobs because we are better than you in this game. Companies, no longer have a national Identity- so if they can find someone who can get the job done MORE efficiently and effectively than you poor Americans, they will do it- So please deal with it!
b) I may be wrong- But I do get a feeling that you are annoyed as you see this as a case of someone coming into your house and not allowing you to live a peaceful and happy life- I have just one word for you- IRAQ- Not a fan of irony are we? God does work in mysterious ways to make things a level playing field
c) If you get a chance to remove your head out of you’re a*s you will basically realize that America and Americans do not have a god given right to have everything your way. Your lovely founding fathers championed the cause of the American dream – To quote Wikipedia - The American Dream often refers to the opportunity for immigrants to achieve greater material prosperity than was possible in their countries of origin. America has been viewed as a land in which one's prospects in life are defined by one's talents and energy rather than by one's family wealth or political connections. This hope includes the opportunity for one's children to grow up and receive an education and its consequent career opportunities. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the restrictions of class, caste, religion, race, or ethnic group
We are not even in your country –So what in devil’s name are you complaining about?
d) Indian Culture has a strong emphasis on education and we have basically earned the right to take over from what was once considered an American preserve—Not through any underhand means but sheer hard work—We are just better than you lot in writing codes and performing brain surgeries. No wonder more Americans are coming to India to have surgeries performed on them at a cheaper cost with more effectiveness. But I am sure you’d rather die in your wonderful country because you cant afford health care than have a surgery performed by an Indian doctor
Wiser men like Bill Gates have acknowledged this whilst you choose to remain a bitter old man with a lot of xenophobic bile. In summary, I am very sorry that people have negative perceptions about Americans - which has always prided itself in rewarding meritocracy because of nutjobs like you. Like you lot say God bless America
Till we meet again, so long my friend
A humble Indian
What did he exactly say that motivated this tirade?
I have been following this fellow for quite some time; and he has been an India basher for a long time - and hence was not surprised to read his comments a few days back.
and when there are people in india who even take pride in being called slum dogs and make it as an election issue, he has all the might to take this position (and i am not justifying his case!!)
I don’t think anyone takes pride in being a slum dog. However, what irks me is the stupid racial stereotyping - I am sure he believes there are quite a few snake charmers who do his outsourcing work- Ignorant and clueless git!
There are so many things said about the Americans but they conveniently ignore it! we indians (especially the media) attach so much importance to these things..may be we need to learn to ignore such stupid comments?? (i feel Limbaugh's comments doesn't deserve so many blogs and TV debates!!)
there are so many racial idiots in this world that we better chose to avoid/ignore them!
This guy is best left ignored. We have enough of this kind in India too and they are all around the world.
Ignoring the problem does not mean that the problem goes away.
It is this ideology of ignoring retarded comments and sitting by quietly when IDIOTS and morons so and say stupid things is what has resulted in India having half the problems and idiotic politicians running around...
Nice article Sharath... Next step is you become a press journalist and go about with armed with your slippers ready to throw at these retards...
Oh wow, nice change!
I don't think this is particularly a smart thing to do! considering yo're still in America! esp your comment in a)...
You might be very very good Sharath, and maybe all Indians according to you, but not a wise thing to be writing in public domain....
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