Thursday, May 8, 2008

An Open Letter to my Amma

Dear Amma,

I am not sure if this is the best way to do this but what’s important is what I say and not the medium through which I say it. Also the fact that it’s been absolutely ages since I actually wrote a letter (the last one was when I wrote one to T when she was still in Pune). I probably haven’t said this enough times and I know it wouldn’t be enough even if I said it every time the sun rises in the east but still for what ever its worth – Thank you so much for everything and I love you like only I do.

I wouldn’t be half the person that I am today if it was not for you. I absolutely shudder to even imagine what life would have been if it was not for you. I know you have always believed in me more so than I ever did which has given me the strength to do certain things that I wouldn’t have otherwise done. The late night stories, evening visits to marina beach, the secret dose of Nuts and Almond every night are memories I will carry into my next birth. Whilst I keep telling you that the stories you tell me on the phone these days about our neighbor’s cow having a new calf are mind numbingly boring I think I have started to enjoy them at some level.

I am pretty sure I have let you down a few times and all I can say is I am very sorry and there isn’t a chance in hell that it was intentional. What better day to say I love you more than mother’ day- Its is not extra special to me because I can hardly relate to it but it just gives me a chance and an occasion to say it

From the bottom of my heart thanks amma for everything!


PS1: Its not that often that I get in touch with my feminine side for I have always believed if I had a feminine side that female would have dumped me already. But, what the heck it’s for my mom I have decided to go ahead and post my blog

PS2: Almost all my blog’s thus far have had a PS. Why is it that I always have a after thought?


Anonymous said...

A few days before i leave this island i get to see the senti side of MR S..

There are a few good background scores which comes to my mind. May be you should put up the links for them!!- Madhu

Anonymous said...

Agreed with Madhu....
But none the less...
A cool mother's day gift....