Saturday, August 30, 2008

An Open Letter to my dear netas

Amidst your busy schedule of addressing public gatherings which are as important as my pub*c hair, could you please get your assistant to set up a meeting? We need to talk.

For over sixty years you have had your way and taken a lot of things from us even if we didn’t want you to- Obscenely rich weddings of your kith and kin, palatial six bedroom apartments, fancy cars and family vacations to the Swiss from money you were taking from us - But still happy to oblige! This is a nation which treats its politicians as demi-gods and you have supporters who are willing to put their life on the line simply because he thinks his leader is not treated with respect. He does this in earnest, believing you are working for the nation’s welfare. In return all we want are a few fundamental things which in my not so humble opinion aren’t too much to ask for!

Religion and Terrorism

We are a secular nation and are highly tolerant one. But that does not mean the people will remain quiet after every atrocity that happens to them. Please do not introduce a religious angle to every political problem and cultivate hatred amongst the people. I sincerely believe most terrorist act has a religious motive behind it and is caused by an earlier discrimination. We as a nation do not want another Gujarat episode and that is exactly what is about to happen in Kashmir. Every inflammatory statement by you will create another series of terror attacks just because an idiot took offence to it.

Curb Inflation

I don’t have the exact facts but I am pretty darn sure that no other country will have a prime Minster and finance minister with a better CV. I would be wasting my time talking to them about the ill effects of inflation. It has to be the single largest deterrent of growth.

Nuclear Deal

As I indicated in one of my earlier posts, we need to get the nuclear deal signed sealed and delivered at the earliest. You can read my thoughts on it at

Political Heirs

Please stop picking your political heirs from you family. Most of these are people have done a rather poor job of shaping their life. How the fuc* are they going to run this nation? There is a reason why we are a democratic country.

Tata Nano- Farmers vs Industrialization

It will be a bushesque mistake if we don’t encourage a project by one of our biggest and most respected companies which has nearly 34 patents on car design alone with such investment and employment generating potential. It has to be treated like a national project. The state government should ensure the farmers are justly compensated in terms of price for their land and employee opportunities in the car project through suitable policy initiative. It will send all the right signals that we are a nation with the right political atmosphere which is conducive for investment. The growth that we have had since we adopted liberal economic policies is there for all to see.

Olympics and the so called lesser sports

The recently completed Olympics have sent out yet another timely reminder as to how badly we have treated the other sports (except cricket). Its definitely not crickets fault that the other sports have been given step motherly treatment. The administration has failed miserably in not setting up excellence centers and our crab mentality has only achieved in ridiculing the likes of Sania for the attire rather than appreciating her talent. It may be sound clichéd but a nation of billion people can definitely do better than 3 medals

Strikes and Bandhs

There has got be a better way of lodging a protest than to bring the economy to a stand still for a day. It is incomprehensible how a nation which is generally perceived to be hard working has taken such a strong liking to strikes. We have all moaned and complained about the red-tapism and nepotism that exists in government offices yet we have ridiculed the one chief minister that decided to act against this. I am not here to discuss the rights and wrongs of Jayalalitha’s actions but it is just the attitude of the nation that stinks in this regard.

Separatist movements and Kashmir

Kashmir is an integral part of India and we should never compromise even with an inch of our territory. Anytime we bow down to a separatist movement which is keen to use methods aimed at hurting women and children we are setting a precedent. I honestly believe the separate policy on Kashmir has triggered the movement of separatism. Please do away with your Hindu-Muslim bickering ensure that the wishes of Pakistan and the separatist organizations are not fulfilled even if it means by force!


It might not be an inappropriate time for me to remind you that you are not an employee in some casino at Vegas who works on Minimum wages and tips! Stop believing it is some sort of god given right for you to earn extra money for doing your job. That’s the not the way it works for the rest of us and there is no frick*ng reason why it should for you. I am sure there should be an easier way to avoid corruption in government offices than for Indian Thatas and Anniyans to come and set it right. If it means it will eradicate the problem I don’t mind a few of each breed.

Sub Nationalism

Please stop all practices which encourage sub nationalism. India need not burn just because dada has been dropped from the Indian team.

I know doing most of the above might not be in your best financial interests but your country needs you now more than ever and after all we’ve done for you it is the least you can do for us!

Disgruntled Indian

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